Wednesday, May 12, 2010

I go out hunting with an air rifle but the squirrels are to fast for me what can i do?

Practice more, my grandfather would shoot squirrels in the air jumping tree to tree with his .22. I myself has taken out birds in the air with my .22. You have to know what your gun can and will do from near and far shots.

Good luck and practice, practice, practice.I go out hunting with an air rifle but the squirrels are to fast for me what can i do?
All squirrels have the instinct to freeze when they hear a hawk, I took advantage of this as a young lad and learned how to make the sound of a red-tailed hawk. I would find an area with squirrels and as one was going by I would make that sound and they would stop and stay still hoping the hawk wouldn鈥檛 see them and I would shoot my tree rat.

Some folk stalk them and some just find a good place to sit and wait for them, I did both. If the squirrels were skittish I would sit with my back to a tree or stump and stay stock still. After about 20 min to a half hour they were running all over the place and if I was patient I always got a shot.

Patience is one of the things a hunter MUST learn. If you are swatting bugs, moving around or making any noise the animals pick it up fast.I go out hunting with an air rifle but the squirrels are to fast for me what can i do?
There were a couple of good answers, but I would also suggest that you read about hunting with airguns.鈥?/a>

%26gt;%26gt;Air rifle hunting - squirrels%26lt;%26lt;

Use a rifle/pellet combination with enough power and accuracy to make clean, humane kills...Practice, practice, practice, learn the habits of your quarry, along with proper hunting techniques.
It really isn't rocket science.... since people have been shooting squirrels since long before there were rockets. Let me see if I can say this simply enough for you to understand. Ever really watched a squirrel? They go through lots of antics... running up and down trees... jumping from branch to branch and tree to tree but eventually, being the cautious little critter that they are, they STOP and look and listen. They STOP... following me so far? They STOP moving... they become stationary. Still following me? When they STOP they are no longer a moving target... come on... try to keep up with me. When THEY stop... ready for the climax? ... when they STOP... then YOU shoot!

It's not really Chinese algebra after all.. is it?

To mc... birds in flight with a .22. I'll bet you think that makes you a real hero... don't you? When you missed.... where did the bullet end up? You're one really safety conscious as**hole... aren't you?
With the slower air rifles, and sloppy technique on the hunter's part, the little rodents can see the pellet coming, or maybe just know it is coming from watching the hunter telegraph his moves, and dodge successfully. Change one or more facets of your scenario.
Nitro is right, put some feed out (bird seed, nuts, corn whatever)and they will stand still long enough for a easy shot, also a little more practice would not kill you a squirrel just walking along will stop every now and then and will offer a easy shot (as long as they are not scared).
Like CrisySu said, wait for em to stop. Hell they aren't the energizer bunny. And use something bigger than your air rifle. You thought they were quick before you shot em, wait till you tag em in the a** with that gun. He'l be dragging his nuts for days after that!
Is it legal to hunt with that thing?
Y do U want to kill squirrels? Do U need the food?
Put out a feeder or nuts or corn on the ground.
Get a shotgun
Ummm.. did you sit still long enough for the squirrels to sit still?
do what i do get a full auto bb gun and spray bullets at them they never get away :P

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