Monday, January 18, 2010

Is it illegal in Florida to go hunting squirrels in the woods with a BB gun with no sorts of gun licences?

It is illegal to hunt with air rifles or air pistols in Florida. Since you are 16 years old you would require a hunting license. To qualify for the license you must take, and pass, a hunter safety course. These are available at various locations and at various times around the state and are free (or they were free when my kids were growing up).

If you are on private property, not within the city limits of your city, you could probably get away with using an air rifle, but on public-access lands or within any city or town you would probably quickly be picked up by either the local law enforcement officers or a game warden. Neither of these is conducive to a good time hunting.

Shoot straight and stay safe.Is it illegal in Florida to go hunting squirrels in the woods with a BB gun with no sorts of gun licences?
Gray squirrel is a game animal in Florida. You need a license to hunt it. Fox squirrel is a protected species and may not be hunted. Additionally you should check the Florida hunting regulations to make sure its legal to hunt small game with an air-rifle in Florida. (I didn't see anything prohibiting it when I skimmed the prohibited methods section, but I might have missed something.)Is it illegal in Florida to go hunting squirrels in the woods with a BB gun with no sorts of gun licences?
The Appalachian Trail can be a very dangerous place. People are murdered there all too often. There is a long list of requirements, rules and policies regarding hiking and camping on the trail. You should study them carefully before going.

And BB guns are not suitable for hunting anything larger than mice.
Technically, you could be charged with harrassment of wildlife, since you aren't really hunting when you're using a BB gun. I can't imagine a game warden would actually arrest a kid with a BB gun, though.
No gun license, but a hunting license could be required unless you are under age. Most likely, no one will say anything about an under age youth with a BB gun. Just be careful where you hunt because some people will make problems.
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